Opinion: It’s time to let U.S. immigrants’ families abroad visit them more easily – San Diego Union-Tribune

PAAIA Board Member Haida Mojdehi Pens Op-Ed on Importance of TFVA

October 20, 2021

Read original version on San Diego Union-Tribune website here.

By Haida Mojdehi

As we close out National Immigrant Heritage Month and prepare for the Fourth of July, there is much cause for celebration but also an urgent need for action on the barriers that continue to prevent immigrants from achieving the full promise of the American dream.

Discriminatory policies enacted by the previous administration stifled progress within immigrant communities. By unjustly targeting individuals based on their ethnicity and country of origin, families were separated and the flames of xenophobia were fanned across the country.

As an Iranian American, having fled to this country on the eve of the Islamic Revolution in 1979, these actions were particularly hurtful and alarming to me. Banning my community’s ability to reunite with loved ones caused pain, confusion and heartbreak.

Repeal of the travel ban on President Joe Biden’s first day in office was a refreshing step in the right direction. And while the president’s action opened the door to greater acceptance and inclusion, it did not erase substantial challenges facing immigrant communities who wish to stay connected to those abroad.

Every year, millions of people are denied the ability to visit family in the United States, as there is no visa category specifically designed to allow their travel to the U.S. This forces family members of U.S. citizens and permanent residents to apply for B-2 visitor visas under the Immigration and Nationality Act. These visas do not target family reunions and result in an unnecessarily high denial rate, for it is presumed the applicant intends to immigrate, according to a Congressional Research Service report.

This problem with our nation’s visa system is nothing new. It has plagued American immigrant communities for decades, but it became increasingly burdensome during the travel ban era which formalized denials through a blanket policy. The result? Countless weddings were missed, seats remained empty at graduation ceremonies, and grandparents are yet to meet their grandchildren.

Recently introduced legislation by Rep. Scott Peters, D-San Diego and a bipartisan team of House and Senate colleagues will solve this problem. The Temporary Family Visitation Act, supported by more than 20 ethnic and economic organizations, would establish a new, non-immigrant B-3 visa category to allow the loved ones of U.S. citizens and permanent residents to temporarily visit them.

Estimates show that the B-3 category could impact between 1 to 2 million visa applicants per year — supporting efforts to both strengthen American families and build back our nation’s economy. According to the U.S. Travel Association, in 2018, international travel spending directly supported about 1.2 million U.S. jobs and $33.7 billion in wages. At a time when America is looking for ways to rebuild local economies and support the U.S. travel and tourism sector, creation of this new visa category could significantly boost the economy through indirect spending and create a sizeable number of U.S. jobs — an attractive feature that has captured the attention of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles Business Council and the Asian Business Association of San Diego, among others.

And while the Temporary Family Visitation Act is attractive to American immigrant communities, it includes safeguards to dissuade immigration. Visits must be temporary, a letter of financial support must be signed, and the applicant must purchase travel medical insurance, make specific and realistic plans for the course of their visit and limit their stay to 90 days. Further, the Temporary Family Visitation Act would prohibit individuals traveling under the B-3 visa from changing their visa status and would prohibit the petitioner from using the visa category if they had previously sponsored a relative who overstayed.

E pluribus unum, which in Latin means out of many one, has traditionally been the motto of our nation, which was built and enriched by immigrants. However, despite recent progress, barriers continue to separate many Americans from their loved ones abroad. It is time to bring these families together; it is time to let families visit. The Temporary Family Visitation Act can safely and effectively do just that.

PAAIA Celebrates Bipartisan, Bicameral Introduction of the Temporary Family Visitation Act – PAAIA

PAAIA Celebrates Bipartisan, Bicameral Introduction of the Temporary Family Visitation Act

PAAIA Press Release | May 13, 2021

Emily Pappas
(231) 357-6330

Washington, D.C. – Today, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization serving the interests of the Iranian American community, applauded the introduction of the Temporary Family Visitation Act (TFVA) in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate by a bipartisan team of sponsors including Reps. Scott Peters (D-CA), Stephanie Bice (R-OK), Jim Himes (D-CT) and Maria Elvira Salazar (R-FL) and Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT). TFVA will establish a new visa category to allow the loved ones of U.S. citizens and permanent residents to temporarily visit the United States – a win for American families and our nation’s economy. 

“Today’s introduction of TFVA in both the U.S. House and Senate marks a tremendous victory for our community and all Americans with family abroad,” said PAAIA Executive Director Leila Austin. “For nearly three years, PAAIA has been a lead advocate for solutions to address our nation’s deeply flawed visa system because we recognize that establishing a new temporary visa for visits will benefit families, local economies, and U.S. travel and tourism. Thanks to the efforts of Reps. Peters, Bice, Himes and Salazar and Sens. Paul and Blumenthal, TFVA offers families hope that someday soon they may be able to share weddings, holidays and much more with those they love.”     

PAAIA is joined in its support of TFVA by Emgage, Hindu American Foundation, Republican National Hispanic Assembly, United Macedonia Diaspora, U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce, Greater Naples Chamber, Lodging & Hospitality Association of Volusia County, Los Angeles Business Council and the Naples Visitor’s Bureau, among others – a list that underscores the bill’s appeal to ethnic communities as well as local economies. These proponents of TFVA are among those that formed Let Families Visit, a campaign aimed to raise awareness about the legislation and encourage other organizations and individuals to take action in support of TFVA. Watch the first Let Families Visit video here.  

TFVA would establish a new B-3 nonimmigrant visa category allowing U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents to petition for their family members to visit them temporarily. The family members included are spouses, children, grandchildren, parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts, nieces, and nephews. The application requires that the petitioner sign a letter of financial support and for the applicant to purchase travel medical insurance for the duration of stay. The requirements ensure that the applicants make specific and realistic plans for the course of their visit and dissuade visa overstays by prohibiting individuals traveling under the TFVA from changing their visa status, limiting the duration of stay to 90 days, and prohibiting the petitioner from using the TFVA if they had previously sponsored a relative who overstayed their period of authorized admission. 

Currently, there is no visa specifically designed to temporarily reunite U.S. citizens and permanent residents with their relatives. Family members are obliged to apply to visit their relatives in the U.S. through B-2 visas under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). However, B-2 visitor visas lack consideration for family reunion resulting in an unnecessarily high denial rate for it is presumed that applicants with family members in the U.S. intend to immigrate.A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report found that the presumption of immigration has resulted in a very high rate of denials and pushed some to apply for immigrant visas as the only path to visit their relatives in the U.S.

“For far too long, our community has had to settle for policies that seek only to undo harmful laws that should have never been enacted in the first place,” added Austin. “TFVA advances the interests of Iranian Americans and countless other communities while also promoting a core American value – family. PAAIA will continue to be a strong proponent and vocal advocate for TFVA, and we urge Congress to move swiftly to enact this much-needed legislation.” 

According to the U.S. Travel Association, each overseas traveler spends approximately $4,200 when they visit the U.S. and stays on average 18 nights. In 2018, international travel spending directly supported about 1.2 million U.S. jobs and $33.7 billion in wages. Based on PAAIA’s estimates of potential people who could take advantage of this new visa as well as tourism spending, TFVA could significantly boost the economy through indirect spending and create a sizeable number of U.S. jobs.

PAAIA Applauds Introduction of the Temporary Family Visitation Act – PAAIA

PAAIA Applauds Introduction of the Temporary Family Visitation Act

TFVA will encourage family reunions through temporary and enforceable visits.

Washington, DC – Today, the Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA), a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization serving the interests of the Iranian American community, welcomed the introduction of bipartisan legislation in the U.S. House of Representatives by Reps. Scott Peters (D-CA) and Francis Rooney (R-FL) that establishes a new visa category to allow family members of U.S. citizens and permanent residents to temporarily visit. The new B-3 nonimmigrant visa category created by the Temporary Family Visitation Act (TFVA) will provide an opportunity for family visitations while boosting the U.S. economy. 

“Today’s introduction of TFVA marks a two-year effort by PAAIA to bring forth legislation to address policies that for decades have hindered the ability of U.S. families to stay connected to loved ones abroad,” said PAAIA Executive Director Leila Austin. “Every day PAAIA responds to countless concerns and requests for information about family visitations. Thanks to the efforts of Reps. Peters and Rooney, TFVA offers hope that someday soon, the relatives of Iranian Americans may be able to visit the United States for births, weddings, graduations, holidays, and more.”     

TFVA would establish a new B-3 nonimmigrant visa category allowing U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents to petition for their family members to visit them temporarily. The family members included are spouses, children, grandchildren, parents, grandparents, siblings, uncles, aunts, nieces, and nephews. The application requires that the petitioner sign a letter of financial support and purchase travel medical insurance for the duration of stay. The requirements ensure that the applicants make specific and realistic plans for the course of their visit, provide financial assurances to the U.S. government, and dissuade visa overstays by incentivizing and engaging the petitioner in the process of the application and prohibiting change of status while in the U.S.

Currently, there is no visa specifically designed to temporarily reunite U.S. citizens and permanent residents with their relatives. Family members are obliged to apply to visit their relatives in the U.S. through B-2 visas under the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA). However, B-2 visitor visas lack consideration for family reunion resulting in an unnecessarily high denial rate for it is presumed that applicants with family members in the U.S. intend to immigrate. A Congressional Research Service (CRS) report found that the presumption of immigration has resulted in a very high rate of denials and pushed some to apply for immigrant visas as the only path to visit their relatives in the U.S.

“All U.S. communities will benefit greatly from this new visa category,” added Austin. “Not only will TFVA facilitate reunions with relatives that are both temporary and enforceable, but it will boost our nation’s tourism industry and strength local economies – a win for families and a win for our country.”

TFVA is supported by the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Emgage, United Macedonia Diaspora, Daytona Regional Chamber of Commerce, Greater Naples Chamber, Lodging & Hospitality Association of Volusia County, Los Angeles Business Council, and the Naples Visitor’s Bureau. According to the U.S. Travel Association, each overseas traveler spends approximately $4,200 when they visit the U.S. and stays on average 18 nights. In 2018, international travel spending directly supported about 1.2 million U.S. jobs and $33.7 billion in wages. Based on our estimates of potential people who could take advantage of this new visa as well as tourism spending, TFVA could significantly boost the economy through indirect spending and create a sizeable number of U.S. jobs.